Sujata Dey-Koontz
A Creative Conscious is the manner to describe Sujata Dey-Koontz and how she approaches being an Artist , Journeying in The Human Experience, as a Woman, A Mother.
It is the Creative Energy, the sense of Living her life by her choices which has allowed her the freedom to express by utilizing various mediums…whether is is write ng, pen on paper or using watercolors, pencils, photography, beading, or utilizin computer technology, to the ancient art of Mehndi.
And She has been recognized in in all these expressions.
Dey-Koontz states the Ultimate expression of her creativity is Her Children, Teklii, Sia and Ryja Ray Emmett. “Mothering is like Painting on a Canvas,” Dey-Koontz says. “ There are many colors, and only a specific use of colors, will work to express the moment of an emotion to the Viewer. Mothering is like painting, there are many parenting concepts, as there are colors, finding a specific balance of Modeling, Kindness, Respect and thus Guiding a child towards a healthy lifestyle, will enhance a child’s life, and other constraining ideas, will hinder it, like an artist choosing a palette or a medium in the expression of Art.
As a Mother of three, inspiration comes from seeing the World through the eyes of her children. Little Feet..crayon expressions, even a simple walk can bring on a need to Create, Draw, Photograph, Write… The Mundane Art of Keeping a Home can be calming and stimulating in the same Moment. She is frequently asked how she can create with Three children!..The Question she poses is “how can I NOT create”…As I lead them in Life, they become my Muses. My children, as are all children, have Spontaneity! They grab the camera, take the markers and pencils and draw on a whim. And I have always done the same. I take these beautiful ques of Life Expressions and keep my supplies at ready…pencils sharpened, camera downloaded-batteries charged!”
The Flow of Moments to Express Art are continuous in Motherhood.
In Ancient Vedic Culture of India,Women were Equal to Men. Side by Side, Together creating a Society. Modeling the beginning of the Democratic Societies of Today and the Future. The Mother is the Essence of Creativity. Women are only Symbols of the Power of Creative Energy. Women have the ability to nurture and create the future of the Human Species. Women have an obligation. To lead human-kind in a direction of Strength, Peace and Kindness. To Nurture the Future in Moral Right and not be kept under the Veil of tyranny in the name of “Protection” and “Privacy of Self-Expression”. Women must be allowed to Express themselves.
As is the Flow of Moments to Express Art is continuous in Life.