JuStarrea Curry

JuStarrea Curry Artist

JuStarrea Curry

Embarking on a profound exploration, my art collection ‘Under the Microscope’ seamlessly blends the beauty of art with the intricate details of human and plant cells. As both an herbalist and an artist, I, JuStarrea Curry, founder of The Demystified Herbalist LLC, have spent over 15 years researching and utilizing herbs. My goal is to simplify herbalism and promote its understanding through art. Through my herbal product line, I aim to cleanse, nourish, and fortify the body’s systems. As an herbal educator, I teach about herbal medicine and the symbiotic relationship between herbs and the human body. I aspire to motivate others to embrace herbal medicine, utilizing the healing power of herbs to restore balance within the body and ignite the journey to self-healing.
