Bailee Poggendorf
Bailee Poggendorf is a Midwest fluid abstract artist who enjoys the fun, messy, Doctor Dreadful approach to the canvas. Self taught in Chicago, she enjoys mixing different concoctions of different viscosity levels and seeing what the end result yields. Bailee found painting to music to be one of the most freeing experiences this Earth had to offer and helped her express creatively without overthinking it. Letting it flow and letting a piece take a form of its own is an exciting experience when you’re not trying to control the end result, you’re working towards feeling lighter and having fun. Bailee loves exploring the finished terrain of the painting and seeing how the brain responds. Hermann Rorschach’s work with ink blots to identify unconscious parts of the personality are a great reference to how she prefers to view her own work. Just like when you look up at the clouds… what do you see?